How is Hearing Health Affected by Cannabis Use?

Researcher Taking a Few Cannabis Buds for Scientific Experiment.

The use of marijuana is currently legal in a number of states for medical purposes and in several other states for recreational use.

So, what are cannabinoids?
A particular group of substances that are found in the marijuana or cannabis plant are referred to as cannabinoids.
Some individuals strongly believe that cannabinoids have broad healing qualities, but existing researches suggest that there may be unfavorable effects, including a substantial link between using cannabinoids and experiencing hearing problems like hearing loss or tinnitus.

How many kinds of cannabinoids exist?

Cannabinoids are presently available in a variety of formats and usages.
It’s not merely weed (or ganja, or reefer … ok, there are a bunch of nicknames for marijuana so let’s move ahead).
Cannabinoids are presently available in formats including oils, sprays, capsules, and more.

Depending on the state, and according to federal laws, various forms of cannabinoids will be available, while numerous varieties remain prohibited if their THC density exceeds 0.3%.
So it’s not unusual for individuals to remain very cautious of cannabinoids.

The problem is that we don’t yet grasp some of the long-term side effects or consequences of cannabinoid use.
For example, new findings reveal how cannabinoids can affect your sense of hearing.

Cannabinoids and hearing loss

Cannabinoids are believed to be helpful for a wide range of health problems and medical conditions.
Seizures, nausea, vertigo, and more appear to be helped by cannabinoids, according to some studies.
So scientists decided to find out if cannabinoids could assist with tinnitus, too.

While research is continuing, cannabis usage could also potentially impact your hearing:

  • High Blood Pressure: Cannabis use can possibly lead to raised blood pressure as one of its side effects.
    Prolonged high blood pressure has the potential to damage blood vessels in various parts of the body, including those within the inner ear. Consequently, this damage can lead to hearing impairment and the feeling of ringing in the ears known as tinnitus.
  • Ototoxicity: Some of the compounds in cannabis may be ototoxic, meaning they are toxic to the inner ear. This can also result in hearing loss and tinnitus.

Cannabinoid use can undoubtedly lead to the progression of tinnitus.
Research has shown that more than one in five individuals who used cannabis-based materials reported experiencing tinnitus, characterized by a persistent ringing sound in the ears.
And, these participants had never experienced tinnitus symptoms before the study. Additionally, marijuana users were 20-times more likely to document experiencing tinnitus symptoms after 24 hours.

Added research indicated that marijuana use may exacerbate ear-ringing symptoms in those who already deal with tinnitus.
Simply put, there’s some very strong evidence that tinnitus and cannabinoids don’t really mix all that well.

How cannabinoids make tinnitus worse

Cannabinoids can aggravate your tinnitus in a few concrete ways.
Initially, episodes of tinnitus symptoms might occur more often, and the persistent buzzing or ringing sound in your ears may become increasingly obvious.
Similarly, your spells of tinnitus can become more extreme when you’re using cannabinoids. More extreme ringing that can be harder to disregard can be the outcome.

The beginning of tinnitus symptoms has also been connected to cannabinoids.
Basically, starting to use cannabinoids might result in the onset of tinnitus symptoms, even if you did not experience them before.

It’s still not well understood what actually causes tinnitus

While we observe a relationship between tinnitus and certain triggers, we’re still unsure what the actual underlying causes are.
Cannabinoids might affect the middle ear and tinnitus symptoms, but it’s still unclear why.

Clearly, research is continuing.
As we acquire a better sense of how cannabinoids are linked to tinnitus, people will have the information needed to make an educated choice on which form of cannabinoid to select.

The miracle cure beware

Cannabinoids have gotten significant interest and publicity in the market over the last several years.
That’s partially because opinions are changing about cannabinoids (and, to a degree, is also a sign of a need to move away from opioids).
But this new research makes it evident that cannabinoids can and do bring about some unfavorable repercussions, particularly if you’re concerned about your hearing health.

Tinnitus and cannabinoids are clearly connected based on present research.
So regardless of how much advertising you see for CBD oils, if you’re concerned about tinnitus, you should most likely steer clear of them.
With the solid link between cannabinoids and tinnitus, it’s a smart plan to exercise caution.

If you are experiencing tinnitus or hearing loss, don’t wait to schedule a hearing assessment, your hearing health is so important.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


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