Reducing Hearing Loss – Three Basic Steps

Reducing Hearing Loss – Three Basic Steps

Pizza is an interesting thing. You can adjust the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses involved, but as long as it satisfies a few basic factors, it’s still a pizza. That’s a lot like hearing loss. But as long as you have trouble hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss regardless of whether it’s caused by genetic […]

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Hearing Loss Can Cause Complications During Hospitalization

Tom is getting a brand new knee and he’s really jazzed! Hey, the things you look forward to change as you age. His knee replacement means he will feel less pain and be able to get around a lot better. So the operation is successful and Tom heads home. That’s when things go wrong. The […]

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8 Subtle Indications Your Hearing is Faltering

It isn’t like you just wake up one day, and suddenly can’t hear. For most people, hearing loss progresses in degrees, particularly when it is related to aging. Some indicators appear earlier, though, and you don’t realize there is an issue right away. These early developing symptoms advance very discreetly. Identifying them sooner is crucial […]

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Keep Your Hearing Sharp With These Three Simple Tips

Isn’t pizza great? You can switch up the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses concerned, but as long as it meets a few basic criteria, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is similar. Symptoms and manifestations are caused by many different problems – loud noises, genetic factors, age, ear blockages – but as long as you […]

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Diplacusis: When You Hear Sounds in Stereo

The world was rather different millions of years ago. The long-necked Diplacusis wandered this volcano-laden landscape. Thanks to its extra long neck and tail, Diplacusis was so large that it feared no predator. Actually, the long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic Period is known as Diplodocus. Diplacusis is a hearing condition that causes you to hear […]

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Simple Ways to Safeguard Your Hearing This Summer

Finally, it’s summertime!! This summer season offers tons of fun. But before you hit the beach, the concert, or the backyard barbecue, don’t forget to take care of your hearing. When you’re out enjoying summer, remember that your hearing can be harmed by loud noises. So it’s essential to take measures to protect your ears, […]

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What You Should Know About Earwax Accumulation

Don’t neglect cleaning your ears. It’s hard not to say that in your “parenting” voice. Maybe you even remember getting that advice as a kid. As you get caught up in past nostalgia, that kind of memory can take you back to simpler times. But that advice can be rather helpful. Your hearing can be […]

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Dealing With Hearing Loss With the Help of Modern Technology

Are you familiar with what a cyborg is? If you get swept up in science fiction movies, you most likely think of cyborgs as kind of half-human, half machine characters (these characters are usually cleverly utilized to touch on the human condition). You can get some really wild cyborgs in Hollywood. But the truth is […]

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How Auditory Training Can be Enhanced by AudioBooks

We used to call them books-on-tape, way back when. Naturally, that was well before CDs, not to mention digital streaming. Nowadays, people refer to them as audiobooks (which, we won’t lie, is a far better name). An audiobook gives you the ability to read a book by, well, listening to it. It’s sort of like […]

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Clayton, NC

922 Veterans ParkwayClayton, NC 27520

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Mon - Thurs, 9am - 4:30pm
Fri, 9am - 2pm

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