Hearing Test Info
The use of marijuana is currently legal in a number of states for medical purposes and in several other states for recreational use. So, what are cannabinoids? A particular group of substances that are found in the marijuana or cannabis plant are referred to as cannabinoids. Some individuals strongly believe that cannabinoids have broad healing […]
Read More… from How is Hearing Health Affected by Cannabis Use?
Keep Reading...How is Hearing Health Affected by Cannabis Use?As the crisp air and bright colors of autumn set in, so do the sounds that make this season special, children laughing as they trick-or-treat, the satisfying crunch of leaves underfoot, and the crackling of a warm fire. Now imagine how much less pleasant your fall experience will be if those sounds begin to fade […]
Read More… from Hearing Health Guidelines For the Autumn Season
Keep Reading...Hearing Health Guidelines For the Autumn SeasonThe majority of people aren’t proactive about the health of their hearing and likely haven’t had a hearing test since grade school because it’s generally not part of a routine adult physical. Fortunately, a professional hearing specialist can discover a wealth of information from a hearing examination which can be used to both identify any […]
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Keep Reading...What Will a Hearing Test Reveal?You’re a rather busy person, so it’s reasonable that you completely forgot about the hearing test you have scheduled. It’s a good thing you got a text from the clinic reminding you in time for you to get ready. So… what should you do? While it might not call for an all-night study session like […]
Read More… from How to Get Ready for a Hearing Exam
Keep Reading...How to Get Ready for a Hearing ExamYou probably don’t give a lot of thought to earwax accumulation unless you’re in the process of clearing it out. Still, it’s crucial to have an understanding of its purpose and how it forms. What initiates the accumulation of earwax? Earwax, also scientifically called cerumen, is composed of a mix of sweat, skin particles, hair, […]
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Keep Reading...Why Does Earwax Accumulate?Why is having routine hearing assessments significant? Well, the reality is that hearing loss can have significant and long-term impacts on your overall wellness. Your quality of life will be improved, your health will be improved, and you will get the right treatment sooner if you get tested regularly. Who should get a hearing exam? […]
Read More… from 4 Reasons to Get Your Hearing Assessed Regularly
Keep Reading...4 Reasons to Get Your Hearing Assessed RegularlyThere are a large number of reasons for muffled hearing. For the majority of people, it’s a short-term experience. But muffled hearing can also be an indication that a more serious hearing problem is occurring. That’s because, for the most part, hearing loss is a slowly progressing condition. Symptoms build slowly and over time. Often, […]
Read More… from Causes of Muffled Hearing and Some Remedies
Keep Reading...Causes of Muffled Hearing and Some RemediesDealing with cancer is terrible. Patients have to go through a very difficult time and some of the side effects of chemotherapy are frequently disregarded. But it’s important to remember that, for a lot of cancer patients, there will be life after your disease. And, of course, you want a very full and happy life! […]
Read More… from Can You Develop Hearing Loss From Chemotherapy?
Keep Reading...Can You Develop Hearing Loss From Chemotherapy?Coping with cancer is terrible. Patients have to go through a really difficult time and some of the side effects of chemotherapy are often disregarded. But for a large number of cancer survivors, there is a life after cancer and that’s an important thing to keep in mind. And you want that life to be […]
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Keep Reading...Can You Get Hearing Loss From Chemotherapy?