Simple Ways to Safeguard Your Hearing This Summer

Man trimming bushes with electric trimmer while wearing hearing protection.

Finally, it’s summertime!!

This summer season offers tons of fun. But before you hit the beach, the concert, or the backyard barbecue, don’t forget to take care of your hearing.

When you’re out enjoying summer, remember that your hearing can be harmed by loud noises. So it’s essential to take measures to protect your ears, especially during the summer months when you’re more likely to experience loud noises.

Here are a few activities that are best enjoyed with earplugs.


Parasites and bacteria love water and can even live in relatively clean pools potentially resulting in swimmer’s ear. Earplugs will help keep water out of your ears and stop infection.

Contaminated water getting into your ears, while usually not a serious issue, can have some negative repercussions. Short-term hearing loss, pain, and swelling can be the consequence.

Left unaddressed, infections can result in damage to the eardrum and the delicate inner workings of the ear.

If you’re going into a hot tub or pool it will be impossible to avoid all germs and pathogens, but your ears can get a level of protection by wearing a set of swimmers earplugs.

Concerts and live performances

Summer is the best time for an evening of live music. Because the performers are attempting to reach such a big audience, however, noise levels are usually really high.

Depending on where you’re standing at the venue, you could be exposed to as many as 120 decibels (dB). That’s enough to lead to immediate and lasting hearing loss.

Earplugs will stop some of that sound but won’t distort it. The amount of sound that can be blocked by earplugs will be established by an NRR rating of between 20 and 33. An NRR of 20 will reduce the sound by 20 dB. So a 120-dB concert will be reduced to around 100 dB.

But that amount of sound can still potentially harm your hearing.

Protecting your hearing will mean utilizing a higher NRR the closer to the speakers you will be standing. Even if you get the highest level of hearing protection, you will still be exposed to sounds loud enough to trigger permanent hearing damage within 15 minutes. For the highest level of protection, stand far away from the speakers and wear earplugs.

The same goes for indoor concerts, sporting events, plays, movies, cook-outs, celebrations, or other events where sounds are being boosted through speakers.

property maintenance

The grass is going to keep growing so mowing will be necessary pretty much every week. You take steps such as edging flower beds and weeding the gardens so your yard looks great. Then you keep the long grass in check with a weed-whacker.

Power tools and other yard equipment can be really loud, and sustained exposure can and will damage your hearing. Earplugs will help lessen the noise from these tools and safeguard your hearing.

If you’re mowing without earplugs, you’re slowly damaging your hearing and it will become more obvious over time.

Independence Day

They’re a key aspect of Independence Day. On the 4th of July, we will all be celebrating our country’s independence. But fireworks have a negative side. The noise they produce can be in excess of 175 dB. That’s the volume of a pistol being fired right beside your head!

You’ll definitely want earplugs if you’re going to a big fireworks show. You should get the highest NRR rated earplugs, particularly if you’re close. You’ll still hear the fireworks and they will still be loud, but you’ll be protecting your ears from future hearing loss.

It’s important to protect your hearing

Don’t wait until your hearing loss is severe to get help. Hearing loss caused by loud noise can’t be reversed and since it takes place so gradually, most people don’t recognize they’re damaging their hearing. Have your hearing checked regularly by us to identify your risk level.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


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