Hearing Health Blog

Every New Hearing Aid Owner Makes These 9 Mistakes

Congrats! Modern hearing aids are an impressive piece of technology, and you’ve just become the proud owner of a shiny new pair. But, just like with any new device, there are things that hearing aid owners wish somebody had informed them about. Let’s assess how a new hearing aid owner can eliminate the 9 most […]

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Did I Inherit my Tinnitus?

Did I Inherit my Tinnitus?

Do you have ringing in your ears that’s driving you mad? Find out what causes tinnitus and whether you could have inherited it. Tinnitus, what exactly is it? Tinnitus is the name describing a person’s perception of a ringing, droning, or buzzing in the ear with no external stimulus present to explain this sensation. The […]

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Feel Young Again Using These 10 Hearing Tips

Feel Young Again Using These 10 Hearing Tips

Feeling younger can be accomplished in numerous ways. However, one method of staying young that isn’t usually mentioned is to protect your hearing. Diet and exercise have been promoted for years as a confirmed way to increase your lifespan while improving your quality of life. These practices also help you control your weight and help […]

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Protect Your Hearing During Noisy Summer Activities

Some activities are just staples of summer: Outdoor concerts, fireworks shows, state fairs, air shows, and NASCAR races (look, if you like watching cars go around in circles, nobody’s going to judge you). As more of these events return to something like normal, the crowds, and the decibel levels, are growing. And that can be […]

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Are There Some Symptoms of Hearing Loss That Should Throw up Red Flags?

Hearing loss is generally an aggravating condition that can be the result of various things. There are some situations where hearing loss is related to a more serious underlying health condition and isn’t merely the result of an injury or aging. These are some hearing loss red flags you should watch for Hearing loss will […]

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Can Headaches be Triggered by Hearing Aids?

Everyone’s hearing loss condition is unique and hearing aids are designed to make up for those individual conditions. Whether you are new to wearing hearing aids or have been wearing them for years, if your hearing aids give you headaches or any other kind of pain, there is an answer. A correctly adjusted hearing aid […]

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You Might Have Hearing Loss if You Notice These 6 Behaviors

In conversation with friends, you like to be courteous. At work, you want to look engaged, even enthralled with what your manager/colleagues/clients are talking about. With family, you may find it easier to just tune out the conversation and ask the person next to you to fill in what you missed, just a little louder, […]

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Why do I Hear Crackling in my Ear?

Why do I Hear Crackling in my Ear?

Crackling in your ear? Buzzing, crackling, “static”, or whooshing sounds in your ear can all be signs of a condition known as tinnitus. Here’s what you need to know. Ever hear crackling, buzzing, or thumping noises that seem to come out of nowhere? If you have hearing aids, it may mean that they need adjustment […]

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Does Hearing Loss Trigger Brain Atrophy?

As we age we start to have trouble hearing clearly and we normally just accept it as a normal part of the aging process. Maybe we need to ask people to speak up or repeat themselves when they talk. Maybe the volume on our TV keeps going up. We might even discover that we’re becoming […]

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    Clayton Audiology

    Clayton, NC

    922 Veterans ParkwayClayton, NC 27520

    Call or Text: 919-525-3048

    Fax: 919-879-8625

    Mon - Thurs, 9am - 4:30pm
    Fri, 9am - 2pm

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