Hearing Health Blog

It’s a Mistake to Hold Off Hearing Loss Treatment – Here’s Why

Between hectic schedules and the distractions of events, it’s all too simple to put off essential appointments, like those with a hearing specialist or for a hearing aid fitting. You may even find yourself hesitating to get hearing aids altogether. However, putting off on treatment for hearing loss is far more than just a mistake […]

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Protect Your Hearing With These 4 Practices

Our ears are frequently what carry the load of accidental harm from neglect in our busy daily lives. From the allure of ear candling to the seemingly harmless act of utilizing cotton swabs, our hearing health can suffer from these prevalent yet dangerous practices. What follows are a few practices you can use to help […]

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Why Does Earwax Accumulate?

Why Does Earwax Accumulate?

You probably don’t give a lot of thought to earwax accumulation unless you’re in the process of clearing it out. Still, it’s crucial to have an understanding of its purpose and how it forms. What initiates the accumulation of earwax? Earwax, also scientifically called cerumen, is composed of a mix of sweat, skin particles, hair, […]

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Love and Hearing Loss – Couples Strategies for Better Communication

Many aspects of your day-to-day life can be affected by Hearing Loss. Neglected hearing loss, for instance, can impact your professional life, your favorite pastimes, and even your relationships. Communication can become tense for couples who are coping with hearing loss. Animosity can develop from the increased tension and more frequent arguments. If ignored, in […]

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4 Reasons to Get Your Hearing Assessed Regularly

Why is having routine hearing assessments significant? Well, the reality is that hearing loss can have significant and long-term impacts on your overall wellness. Your quality of life will be improved, your health will be improved, and you will get the right treatment sooner if you get tested regularly. Who should get a hearing exam? […]

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What is the Expected Lifespan of a Modern Hearing Aid?

Physically, you will usually get a number of years out of your hearing aids, but as your level of hearing loss changes, your hearing aids may need an update. Getting regular hearing evaluations is key to making certain your hearing aids are programmed and fit properly. Assuming correct programming and fitting, here’s a guide for […]

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Still Struggling to Follow Even With “Normal” Hearing

Your workplace has decided to encourage teamwork and collaboration by opening up the office floor plan. However, you find yourself having difficulties in this new configuration. It’s because the elevated noise is making it challenging to follow along with conversation and not because you miss the privacy of cubical walls. The inability to follow along […]

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Prevalent Medications That Can Trigger Hearing Loss

It’s normal to want to learn about the side effects of a medication when you start using it. Can it trigger digestive issues? Will it dehydrate you? Cause sleeplessness? There may also be a more serious potential side effect that you might not be aware of – hearing loss. Lots of different drugs are known […]

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Causes of Muffled Hearing and Some Remedies

Causes of Muffled Hearing and Some Remedies

There are a large number of reasons for muffled hearing. For the majority of people, it’s a short-term experience. But muffled hearing can also be an indication that a more serious hearing problem is occurring. That’s because, for the most part, hearing loss is a slowly progressing condition. Symptoms build slowly and over time. Often, […]

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Best Practices for Using the Phone with Hearing Aids

Modern cell phones have become a lot clearer and more reliable nowadays. But in some cases, it will still be difficult to hear what the person on the other end is saying. And for individuals who have hearing loss, it can be particularly difficult. There must be a simple solution for that, right? Can’t you […]

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    Mon - Thurs, 9am - 4:30pm
    Fri, 9am - 2pm

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